Jim's Full Proof Fitness Routine

Jim's Full Proof Fitness Routine


A quick reminder from Athletic Director Jim Flack about the importance of staying healthy & being active during this time!

Don't forget on top of our Bruins Reboot, we also have all of our past fitness classes & workouts archived on our Facebook profile as well starting Monday, is our Live Virtual Group Fitness classes, free for students & employees!

We offer a variety of different types of classes from High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), Yoga, Meditation, Bootcamp and HIIT with Pilates!

It's free to sign up & you do not have to be able to attend every class and if you cannot attend, we stream it live on our Facebook page as well so you can go back to it whenever your schedule allows!

So sign up now, what do you have to lose? You could look like Jim!
Register Here!

*Please note the classes are streamed using Zoom however, participants do not have to have their camera on to join.

Be sure to follow us on our social media so you don't miss out on anything!